Let's Talk over Coffee....

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Location: Northwest Georgia, United States

I am 36 years old. Happily married in 2000 to a wonderful man who I met on the internet. :o) I have a step-daughter who is soon to be married. I moved from Indiana to Georgia in 2000, talk about your culture shock! I'm by no means perfect, but I am striving to be the woman God would have me to be. Proverbs 31 is my goal, but I am still a work in progress.

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    Wednesday, June 21, 2006

    Blessing In Disguise

    Well, yesterday morning I wasn't able to eat my mutli-grain hot cereal because there was no power. One of the girls at work was going to Hardee's which I knew was a no-no, but I was hungry. Well I got a Sausage Biscuit, my first in what would have been 2 weeks tomorrow - love my morning sausage biscuit, just one of my problems. Well when I put it in Spark, I FREAKED! 550 calories and 36 grams of fat!!!! Remember, my calories are 1200-1550 and fat is 27-60 grams (I try to stay on the lower end). Well, there went my day! BUT.......I am so proud of myself, I still didn't go over. My calories for the day are 1330 and fat is 48. At first I kicked myself for giving into that biscuit, but I finish the day very proud of myself for sticking to it and not just calling the whole day a loss. It wasn't easy, I had to change my eating plans for lunch. I took my lunch, but had to save it for tomorrow. For lunch I had 2 side salad's from McDonald's (only veggies, there is no cheese meat or anything in the side salads) and 1/2 C of low fat cottage cheese. For supper I had a Portabella Veggie Burger, Whole Tomato and small serving of Strawberry Shortcake. I snacked on carrots today too, so I got a fair bit of veggies. I will definitely think twice about eating a sausage biscuit anytime soon. I've also been doing good on my water 8+ glasses every day except this last weekend when I wasn't feeling well. A lot of days I've even had 96oz! This is not something I normally do, I don't drink a lot of anything. I'm so pumped. I know it's only been 2 weeks, but this is really encouraging. Oh, yeah............I tried my ball..........Lets just say if I had set up a video camera I could have probably gotten money for the tape. I was cracking myself up. Heather kept asking if I was ok, I'd just giggle and say Yep! It's tough, but I think I'm gonna like it. If nothing else it's good for a few giggles. :o)

    Chrisi Coffee Talk at 9:08 AM
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