Let's Talk over Coffee....

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Location: Northwest Georgia, United States

I am 36 years old. Happily married in 2000 to a wonderful man who I met on the internet. :o) I have a step-daughter who is soon to be married. I moved from Indiana to Georgia in 2000, talk about your culture shock! I'm by no means perfect, but I am striving to be the woman God would have me to be. Proverbs 31 is my goal, but I am still a work in progress.

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    Saturday, January 06, 2007


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    That's it, we have decided that Heather is never flying again. We have secured her room with steel vault doors, an intercom system, a computer and web cam. We will be able to communicate through the intercom and she can finish high scool via web cam, then take college courses on-line.

    Ok, so we're not going to do that. I would however be happy if she decided never to fly again. Yesterday her flight was to leave for Portland at 2:10, BUT they were running late. This wouldn't be a huge deal except the flight she was supposed to catch in Portland headed to Denver was a tight fit anyway she only had 20 minutes to get to the gate. Well the delay caused her to arrive at the airport about 5 minutes after the Denver flight left. We started calling while she was enroute to Portland trying to get them to hold the flight since it was so close, they wouldn't do it. She (being a supervisor I finally talked to)said they could not hold the flight. I even tried to envoke Rule 240 that we had heard about from John Tesh which says that they have to put you on a flight of your approval even if it's a different airline. She told me the flight had to be 1.5 hours late, which I think I found out is false, it had to be a 2 hour flight. When we checked on-line there were no better options than the one they switched her to since they would not hold the flight. We tried all kinds of combinations, even her flying into Indianapolis so my mom could pick her up. We spent an hour trying ot resolve it, but nothing could be done. Side note: When I flew to Arizona, on the way back our flight was late and they held a connecting flight for one of the gentlemen on our plane. They let him off before the rest of us so they could rush him to the plane. So, I know they do this, I just don't know if there were other circumstances that prevented them from doing it. Quite frankly, I was so freaked out about it, I didn't care at the time. When she got to Portland she had to wait for a flight at 11pm, that is after getting there at about 4:45pm. That flight took her to Chicago and then Nashville at 8 something this morning! She was supposed to arrive in Nashville at 11:11pm last night. She is now exhausted but safely with her pawpaw in Manchester, TN. We are going to go to his church tomorrow and bring her home then. He doesn't see her much and wanted to spend some time with her. Originally she was coming home today, but she needs that time with her pawpaw.

    Whew!! I'm so glad that is over!!! She is going to make an old lady of me yet. *sigh* :o)

    Thank You Lord for Heather's safe arrival. Not the way we wanted, but exactly how you planned.

    Chrisi Coffee Talk at 12:22 PM (1) comments

    Friday, January 05, 2007

    Great Idea, Even If It Wasn't Mine

    I subscribe to The Generous Wife Daily Tips I highly recomend it. Today's tip is a GREAT idea.

    Last year, I read an article that suggested choosing a word or a phrase to focus on for the year. For example, if you feel that you have a character trait you need to work on, you might choose something like "patience." Or if you want to focus on your family more than one work, maybe it would be "family," etc. The idea is that it isn't a resolution per se, but a focus point that points you in the direction you want to go. When you have to decide whether to bring work home or go out with the family, maybe your "family" focus will remind you of what's most important. If you're struggling with a particular person or issue, maybe remembering that "patience" is your word would help.Last year I chose "peace," and this year, "family." I didn't remember to focus on it all year, but I tried to keep coming back to it. Visual reminders help, like posting it on a bulletin board, the computer desktop, or the bathroom mirror. I've shared this idea with a number of people because I think it's more positive than most failed resolutions for the new year. It allows you to be humanly fallible, but to recover, and to keep making good choices as you try to move toward that focus.

    I'm thinking about what my word should be, the problem is I think I need like 50! :o) That seems to be my problem with a lot of things in life, I want to tackle them all at once or not at all. I need to learn to work on one thing at a time so I don't get so overwhelmed. I need to think about the one word, I'll let you know. I bet you can't wait huh?

    Chrisi Coffee Talk at 11:16 AM (0) comments

    Thursday, January 04, 2007

    Happy New Year!!

    Jenna & Uncle Buzzy, originally uploaded by Praiz777.

    Happy New Year!

    2007, a fresh new start. I don't make "resolutions" but I would like to make a new start in 2007.

    * Read God's Word More
    I don't think you are ever at a point where this would not be something that could be improved upon.

    * Pray More
    Another area I don't think you could improve too much.

    * Lose Weight
    I'm going to make a fresh start against the battle of the bulge. I need to get my acid reflux back under control too. This falls into place when my eating habits improve.

    * Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
    I know this is a common catch phrase, but I really need to do this. I get so worked up about things, but when I calm down and look back I realize how dumb it was to get upset and then I feel bad and sometimes stupid.

    * Get My House Under Control
    I need to have a routine for housework, right now it's just chaos. Part of this will be organizing my Household Binder that I've started. Another part is downsizing the clutter. I think our lives will be more pleasant with less clutter.

    We went to Indiana this past weekend. My uncle from Arizona flew in and was also there until today. This was the first time I had seen him since I was like 12 or 14. He is the half brother of my dad who died when I was 4. I don't know much of his side of the family because they lived so far away when I was growing up. My mom really did try to get us together with them as much as she could, Arizona is a LONG way from Indiana. We had a good visit. I got to see more of my brother this weekend than I think I have seen since I moved to Georgia. There were some rocky times but overall it was a good trip. I really hate that I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see. I hope we get to take a longer trip soon.

    Chrisi Coffee Talk at 11:53 AM (0) comments

    Wednesday, January 03, 2007

    To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
    --Thomas A. Edison

    Could someone please tell my husband? *Giggle*

    Chrisi Coffee Talk at 1:34 PM (0) comments

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